Fae Tactics Wiki

Pichon is one of the 10 characters in Fae Tactics.

How to get[]

Follow the hooded figure to Eigo's Descent.


"A notorious underground prizefighter with an undefeated record. Has a hard time focusing around beautiful women, which is pretty much all women in his eyes."


Maxed skills[]

Maxed Offense

Accuracy +20%,
Atk +100%,
Chin Curry Chicken Dinner

Maxed Defense

Mb Regen +20,
Hp/Mb +100%,
Focus +Acc

Maxed Special

Combo Crit +60%,
Reaction +30%,
Reaction +Atk

Other abilities[]

Ex Dunk: Cost (2) Ultra. Combo finisher with a (2) space Push.
Ultra Attack: Chin Curry Chicken A knockout blow that lowers Def. -10 Def on hit.
Ultra Assist: Focus Sharpens Acc and enchants with Haste.


Passive bonus[]

  • 40% Chance to Taunt nearby enemies.

Camp bonus[]


Worn Gloves Worn Gloves
Colonel's Mitt Colonel's Mitt
Hand Wraps Hand Wraps