Fae Tactics Wiki

Peony is one of the 10 characters in Fae Tactics.

How to get[]

Obtained by starting the game.


"A young witch from Mount Alma in the North. Adept with all manner machines and gadgets due to teachings from her mother."


Maxed skills[]

Maxed Offense

Crit Damage +40%,
Atk +100%,
Soul Nova +Range

Maxed Defense

Healing +60%,
Hp/Mb +100%,
Wish +Evd/Crit

Maxed Special

Move/Jump +1,
Reaction +30%,
Spell Cooldown On Kill

Other abilities[]

Ex Null Strike: Cost (2) Ultra. Adds Silence to attack and lowers targets Def.
Ultra Attack: Soul Nova Unleash a wave of magic in a (3) space radius.
Ultra Assist: Wish Increases Evd and Crit Dmg.


Passive bonus[]

  • Steal: Takes Enchantment from Target on kill if no Enchantment is already in place.
  • +Atk for each kill.

Camp bonus[]


Soul Flame Soul Flame
Ragnarok Ragnarok
Earthshaker Earthshaker