- ??? (The Dry Scar) (IV)
- Achievements
- Acid Rain
- Aegis of Arcane Scroll
- Aegis of Earth Scroll
- Aegis of Electricity Scroll
- Aegis of Fire Scroll
- Aegis of Ice Scroll
- Aegis of Water Scroll
- Aegis of Wind Scroll
- Agility
- Ahtri'El (I)
- Ahtri's Crown
- Aim
- Alchemist Gem
- Alchemy
- Ambush Scroll
- Anemone
- Aquatic Growth Scroll
- Aquatoise
- Arcane/Water/Earth Totem
- Arcane Gift
- Arch Pangolin
- Arctic Growth Scroll
- Ashen Plains (III)
- Ashland Edamame
- Assassin Gem
- Assists
- Azure Berry
- Barn Reaper
- Barren Fields
- Barrier (assist)
- Barrier (disambiguation)
- Barrier (spell)
- Bear
- Beaver
- Beelzebufo
- Beetletar
- Black Pool (I)
- Black Truffle Soup
- Black Water March (I)
- Blessed
- Blessing of Enki
- Blind Curse
- Blood Pact
- Blue Eye Blade
- Bonding
- Bone Servant
- Bonuses
- Bosses
- Burn Curse
- Camp Skill
- Campfire King
- Carapace Scroll
- Carnivorous
- Carrion Crow
- Chain
- Characters
- Chariot
- Chariot MkII
- Chariot XII 05
- Charm Curse
- Cheat sheet
- Cherimoya
- Chico
- Cinderhund Harness
- Claudia
- Cleanse
- Cloak
- Cloak Enchant
- Cold Snap
- Collar of the Pack
- Colonel's Mitt
- Cookies
- Copper Wire
- Cotton Candy
- Counter
- Crimson Berry
- Cripple Curse
- Cryootori
- Crystal Peony
- Crystal Ring
- Curing
- Cursed Arrowhead
- Cursed Weapon Scroll
- Curses
- Dagon
- Dance
- Dance Enchant
- Death Touch
- Deer
- Defend
- Deluge
- Dessert Empanada
- Devices
- Dexterous Scroll
- Dhampir
- Doom Bolt
- Doran's Sidearm
- Doro
- Double Edge Enchant
- Dragonling
- Draon Matriarch
- Drink
- Drop rates and luck
- Dull Power
- Dust Lute
- Dusty Road
- Dwarven Gem
- Dynamic Growth Scroll
- Dynamo Scroll
- Each-Kikin
- Each-Mot
- Each-Rhyfel
- Each-Uisge
- Early Bird
- Earthshaker
- Earth’s Wrath
- Eigo's Descent
- Electric/Fire/Earth Totem
- Elven Cleaver
- Emerald Hills (III)
- Emperor Corn
- Enchants
- Endlessfluff Games
- Entomb
- Epilogue screens
- Erisolde
- Esoteric Growth Scroll
- Exploit
- Exploit Scroll
- Fae Hunter
- Fae Tactics
- Fae Tactics Wiki
- Faery
- Faery Cavalry
- Faery Grapes
- Faery’s Kiss
- Falcon
- Family Keepsake
- Favor of Gust
- Features
- Fiddleheads
- Fireball
- Focus Power
- Follow Nose
- Food
- Foresight Scroll
- Fortress Scroll
- Freeze Curse
- Friendship Scroll
- Frost Tale
- Fury
- Gatherer
- Gems
- Geomancer Gem
- Giant Peach
- Gift of War
- Glacial Scroll
- Gladiator Gem
- Glutton
- Goading Scroll
- Goose
- Gorgon’s Gaze
- Gourmet Fish
- Grace of Nixie
- Grave Blade
- Great Faery Forest (III)
- Gremlin Shaman
- Gremlin Thief
- Gremlin Warlord
- Gremlin Witch
- Griffin Steak
- Grumble Bunny
- Grunhold Central (II)
- Grunhold Outskirts (II)
- Gypzy Gem
- Hand Wraps
- Hand of Death
- Hand of the Occluded
- Harden
- Haste (assist)
- Haste (disambiguation)
- Haste (spell)
- Haunt Curse
- Healing Scroll
- Health Scroll
- Herbalist
- Hex Breaker Scroll
- Hopeless Scroll
- Humble Games
- Hyper Barrier Belt
- Icarus Scroll
- Ice Cream
- Ice Shell
- Ice Shell Enchant
- Ikaido (IV)
- Immortal Scroll
- Infernal Growth Scroll
- Ingenton
- Inspire
- Inspire Enchant
- Invocation of Fred
- Izusa
- Jackals Mark
- Jaeger
- Jerky
- Kill All Humans!
- Kim's Emerald Relic
- King Crimson
- Last Words
- Leather Binding
- Legionnare Gem
- Life Water
- List of supported languages
- Magitech Gauntlets
- Magitech Rifle
- Magma Ring
- Mammoth Beetle
- Man Tree Woods (II)
- Mana Burn Enchant
- Mana Crystal
- Mana Steal Scroll
- Manacycle
- Maps
- Materials
- Matilda
- Meditate
- Mend Wounds
- Miasma
- Midnight
- Mimic Doll
- Mirrar
- Mission legend icons
- Missions
- Molded Bread
- Monk Gem
- Northern Mountains (III)
- Obedon Kingdom
- Oenology
- Old Carrot
- Orowantus
- Otter
- Owl
- Paper Chase
- Parry
- Payachin
- Pazuzu
- Penetrate
- Peony
- Petrify Curse
- Phantom Dragon
- Phantom Gem
- Phantom Hand
- Phoenix
- Pichon
- Piercing Dance
- Pirate Gem
- Plague Doctor Gem
- Poison Curse
- Pork Chops
- Possess Enchant
- Potion
- Powder Jack
- Prayer
- Predator Scroll
- Princess Sweet Potato
- Protection Scroll
- Protector
- Pumpkin Pie
- Rage
- Rage Enchant
- Ragnarok
- Rain Charm
- Raisin French Toast
- Rally
- Raven
- Raven's Rest (I)
- Reactions
- Red
- Red Eye Blade
- Red Velvet Cake
- Reflex
- Regen Scroll
- Regenerate Enchant
- Reinforce
- Repeater
- Return
- Revenant
- Revenge
- Rift Ring
- River Charm
- River Fish
- Rock Slide
- Rockfall Valley
- Rogue Gem
- Rohwan
- Romanesco
- Root Curse
- Rotten Fruit
- Rotten Meat
- Royal Pear
- Ruinous Scroll
- Rune Stone
- Sage Gem
- Saint Gem
- Salamander
- Salmon
- Scoundrel Gem
- Scout Goggles
- Scrap Metal
- Scrolls
- Sea Cross Island
- Shadow Step (disambiguation)
- Shadow Step (skill)
- Shadow Step (spell)
- Shell Scroll
- Silence
- Silence Curse
- Silver Tongue
- Skills
- Sky Dancer’s Breath
- Smaragden
- Snack
- Snake
- Song Enchant
- Sorcerifle
- Soul Flame
- Soul Gear
- Soundtrack
- Spell Weaver
- Spells
- Spicy Chili
- Spirit Stabilizer
- Sprint
- Starfall
- Stat scaling
- Static Shock
- Stats
- Stigandr Scroll
- Stone Gardens (II)
- Stone Skin
- Story
- Sugoth Kale
- Summons